Seichem-Reiki Energy Healing

How Seichem-Reiki benefits Animals and People:

Whether an Animal or a Human, there are many benefits of having an energy healing Treatment. Seichem-Reiki can be used alone or in conjunction with any other complementary therapies or traditional western medicines. It is a safe and gentle non-invasive form of healing that does not cause any stress, pain or discomfort – yet it produces powerful and miraculous results.

For healthy Animals and Humans, Seichem-Reiki can help to enhance relaxation and ensure optimum health and general well-being. It can aid in facilitating and maintaining a animal’s or human’s positive mental state, disposition, contentment and spiritual growth.

For Animals or Humans that are ill, Seichem-Reiki can assist the healing process at the deepest levels. The powerful energy is a safe complement to traditional veterinary care or traditional western medicine and can be utilized with any other types of alternative or holistic healing. The powerful energy gets to the core issue of the dis-ease and helps to alleviate any anxiety, pain, depression or suffering.

For Animals or Humans nearing their transition into Spirit, Seichem-Reiki are a wonderful way to provide calm and gentle support, comfort and pain relief. The tranquil energy of Seichem-Reiki helps to relieve any stress, anxiety or worry the animal or human may be experiencing about leaving their loved ones behind and allows them to feel peace within themselves.

About Seichem-Reiki:

At the end of the 19th century, a Japanese scholar named Mikaomi Usui rediscovered an ancient healing method found in Sanskrit texts. He called it Reiki, pronounced ray-key, a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy. Reiki was taken to America in the 1940’s and is now widely taught and practiced around the world. Reiki is based on the premise that a universal life energy is present in all living things and when this energy becomes blocked, discomfort and disease can occur.

Seichem, pronounced say-keem, is another form of energetic healing that was reputedly practiced in ancient Egypt. It works in conjunction with Reiki and helps in accelerating personal healing, development and growth. Seichem uses a combination of four elemental healing rays and includes Reiki (Earth).

The four elemental healing rays included in Seichem are:

Reiki (Earth) – is experienced as heat or cold and can benefit physical, mental and emotional health. It forms a base through which the other elemental rays can work.

Sophi-el (Water) – is felt as a gentle and pulsating coolness. It helps facilitate the healing of deep emotional issues, opens the heart to love and enhances intuitive abilities.

Angeliclight (Air and Spirit) – gives a sensation of cool gentle breezes and can facilitate mental healing. This ray helps establish a link with the angelic realms.

Sakara (Fire) – gives the impression of an effervescent tingling, much like a mild electrical current. It works in the aura to help transform blockages of any type.